I am a PhD student in the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University
My primary research interests are in Disaster Management, CyberGIS, Resilience Management using Geospatial Big Data and Watershed Modeling
A Geographer and a Civil Engineer. I ❤ tea and writing stories in my free time.
This is my personal webpage. Enjoy!
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Doctor of Philosophy in GEOGRAPHY
Advisor: Dr. Lei Zou
Master of Science in CIVIL ENGINEERING
Dissertation: “Flash Flood Screening Tool”
Advisor: Dr. Francisco Olivera
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, TN, India
Bachelor of Technology in CIVIL ENGINEERING
Dissertation (Major Project): “Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty in Stream Flow Using SWAT”
Advisor: Dr. Roshan Karan Srivastav
Dissertation (Minor Project): “Calculation of return period of rainfall and subsequent floods in
Burhi Gandak river, Bihar”
Advisor: Dr. Jagdeesh P
Don Bosco School, Bandel, WB, India
10+2 in ISC (Indian School Certificate)
Board: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
10 in ICSE (Indian Certificate for Secondary Education)
Board: Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
Department of Barrage and Canal Design (North West and South),
Central Water Commission,
Ministry of Water resources,
Government of India.
Department of Civil Engineering,
Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
Department of Geography,
Texas A&M University.
Department of Civil Engineering,
Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
Department of Geography,
Texas A&M University.
Department of Geography,
Texas A&M University.
Otherwise driveby compliments are welcome too!